Fortnite Fans Divided Over Singular Lightsaber Decision

Fortnite players express mixed feelings over the decision to have only one lightsaber on the map without any force powers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement and heated debates over the recent introduction of a singular lightsaber in the game.


  • Players upset over lack of variety in lightsabers.
  • Debate over the absence of force powers.
  • Speculation on game developers’ motives.

Reactions to the Lightsaber

Slyme-wizard joked about kidnapping the prime minister over the singular lightsaber issue, suggesting a drastic approach to show Epic the players’ frustration.

Force Powers Controversy

DerekMilewski highlighted the complaints about force powers, voicing his opinion on the issue and the community’s dissatisfaction with them.

Speculations on Epic’s Decisions

Storm_373 speculated that Epic might have chosen only one lightsaber due to constraints or priorities, bringing in the element of lego lightsabers.

KarlUKVP drew comparisons to previous collaborations, emphasizing the lack of varied content in the current Star Wars collab.

Superman_1776 added a light-hearted touch with a GIF, offering a visual response to the lightsaber debate.

Goombamobile analyzed the shift in focus towards other weapons, suggesting a strategic move by the developers to balance the game meta.

BrolysFavoriteNephew expressed contentment with the current setup, highlighting the importance of balance in the gameplay.

epic_potato420 stirred the debate further by considering lightsaber throws as a force ability, adding complexity to the discussion.

Throughout the subreddit, players’ opinions varied from frustration to acceptance, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the Fortnite community.