Fortnite: Fans Discuss Bringing Back Original Car Skins for Customization

Fortnite fans debate adding original prop cars as car skins for customization. Would you drive a Chicken Little-looking ride in Fortnite?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players ponder the idea of having the original prop cars as car skins for customization. Would you cruise around in a Chicken Little-themed ride in the game? Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts and reactions.


  • Players reminisce about the nostalgic appeal of the original prop cars and discuss the potential of bringing them back as skins.
  • Many express a desire for unique customizations that pay homage to Fortnite’s early seasons.
  • Some highlight the challenge of adapting the old vehicle designs to fit the current game’s aesthetics and mechanics.
  • There’s a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism regarding the feasibility and appeal of introducing these vintage car skins.

Fan Nostalgia

Fans like bsxjiggawhat find the original cars goofy and charming, stating, “they’re goofy and I love it.” The retro designs seem to have a special place in players’ hearts.

Mechanical Challenges

Mas-Junaidi raises concerns about animating the wacky wheel movements of the old cars in a way that suits Fortnite’s current visual standards and gameplay mechanics, suggesting technical hurdles in bringing back these classic skins.

Artistic Redesigns

Fantastic_Snow_9633 speculates on the need for redesigns to make the old car skins compatible with modern Fortnite. They mention potential clipping issues due to the original designs not being intended for player interaction, offering a perspective on the complexity of the implementation.