Fortnite Drama: Peas In A Pod Skin Rattles the Community

A Reddit user threatens to quit if the Peas In A Pod skin is locked behind the Crew Pack, stirring a heated debate among Fortnite players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are up in arms over the potential locking of the Peas In A Pod skin behind the Crew Pack, sparking a heated discussion on Reddit. Users debate the skin’s accessibility and express mixed feelings towards its design.


  • Players fear the Peas In A Pod skin may be restricted to the Crew Pack, leading to frustrations.
  • The skin’s design is divisive, with some finding it quirky and others expressing concerns over its potential exclusivity.
  • Debate ensues over the skin’s value and availability within the game’s ecosystem.

Community Reactions

Some users believe the Crew skins typically do not interfere with regular battle pass content. ‘Crew skins usually don’t get put on the season cover art,’ noted Sam_The-Ham.

Others like Ampharosite181 express mixed feelings, comparing the skin to past disappointments like Mad Mochi. ‘Pea guy looks great here but I do not like how it looks in the key art we’ve seen,’ they shared.

Meanwhile, fans like Chollis13 are emotionally invested, stating, ‘My wife and I’s nickname for each other is Pea, I need this lol.’

Player Insights

Many users appreciate the skin’s unique and silly design, with Spiritual_Alarm_9898 pointing out, ‘Why are people so annoyed by this skin? HE’S SO SILLY.’

Some players, like danivus, see value in the Crew Pack for its overall benefits. ‘Buying a month of Crew to get the BP is always the best value,’ they highlighted.

Ultimately, the fate of the Peas In A Pod skin remains uncertain, leaving players on edge about its potential exclusivity and impact on the game’s cosmetic scene.