Fortnite: Do You Root for Your Killer? Insights from FortniteBR

Find out if Fortnite players root for their killers and why in this engaging Reddit post discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are divided on whether they root for their killers or not. Some spectate to see their killer lose, while others hope for their success. This post by Synixter sparked a debate among players, revealing diverse perspectives on the matter.


  • Players have different approaches to spectating their killers, some hoping for their downfall, while others supporting their victories.
  • Some players spectate to learn from skilled opponents, while others do it out of spite or curiosity.
  • The endgame context often influences players’ decisions to spectate or leave immediately after being killed.

Spectate and Learn

Windigo3 enjoys watching skilled players after being killed to learn from them. For many players, spectating serves as a means of improving their own gameplay by observing successful strategies.

Seeking Vengeance

For players like Ilcorvomuerto666, seeing their killer fail is essential for them to move on to the next game feeling avenged. This approach stems from a desire for closure after being eliminated.

Endgame Impact

Fundytech mentions feeling better when his killer wins in the top 10, highlighting how the context of the game’s progression can influence players’ feelings towards their killers.

The diverse responses reveal the complex emotions players experience when faced with the decision to root for their killers or not. From seeking vengeance to appreciating skill, each player brings a unique perspective to the table, adding depth to the Fortnite gaming experience.