Fortnite Daily Shop Discussion: All the Drama and Excitement

Fortnite fans express their mixed feelings about the items in the daily shop, from missing cycles to unexpected surprises.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with opinions on the items featured in the daily shop. Some express excitement over certain offerings, while others are disappointed with the lack of variety. Let’s dive into the drama and excitement surrounding the shop…


  • Repeated items in the shop are causing frustration among players looking for new content.
  • Fans are divided on the return of certain skins and bundles, with some feeling underwhelmed.
  • Players are questioning Epic’s decisions regarding the release and availability of emotes and skins.
  • The pricing of bundles and individual items is a hot topic, with some finding deals while others feel the prices are steep.

Repeated Items Stir Discontent

Fans like Loomling are voicing their disappointment at the frequent reappearance of items in the shop, with some items returning as soon as 4-6 days after their last appearance.

Debate Over Skin Bundles

NotReallyTyler highlights the return of icon YouTuber skins without their bundles, causing confusion and frustration among players looking for a complete set of items.

Questionable Epic Decisions

Players, such as kaownsyou, are questioning Epic’s priorities, wondering why more Marvel skins are not being introduced into the shop.

Pricing Predicaments

Players are split on the pricing of items in the shop, with some, like Orquita, praising the value of locker bundles, while others, like TightValue315, calling for bundles for each icon skin.

Despite the various opinions and debates circulating on the forum, one thing is clear: Fortnite fans are passionate and vocal about the game’s offerings. The daily shop continues to be a source of excitement, frustration, and surprises for players, keeping the community engaged and eager for more.