Fortnite Concept New Season: What the Players Really Want

The Fortnite community debates a new concept for the upcoming season - is it a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent post on Fortnite, user dutuzane shared a new concept they created for the upcoming season. The concept received mixed reactions from the community, sparking a lively discussion.


  • Players appreciate the effort put into the concept, despite some reservations about its relevance.
  • Community members suggest potential collaborations and skins that would better fit the theme of the season.
  • Debates arise over the importance of staying current with in-game references.

Reactions to the Concept

Kassandra is the goat, but does the concept align with the direction of the new season?

Many users praise the creativity of the concept, suggesting it may not fully tie in with the theme of the new season.

Expectations for Collaborations

Some users hope for a Maximus Gladiator skin, while others suggest a Leonidas and Xerxes collaboration.

One user proposes a Mission: Impossible or Top Gun collaboration, sparking further ideas for special skins.

The Relevance of References

While some appreciate the concept, others question its relevance, emphasizing the importance of staying current with game references.

Arguments arise over Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s relevance and its fit within the Fortnite universe.