Fortnite Community Rants About Bonus Rewards Placement

The Fortnite community is in an uproar over bonus rewards placement in the game, leading to frustration and complaints.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community is abuzz with frustration over the bonus rewards placement in the game, specifically the **base** styles tucked away in the bonus section, compelling players to complete the Battle Pass just to access them. This tactic is viewed as an annoying ploy to keep players engaged.


  • Players are irritated by the strategy of locking main styles in the bonus section, driving them to play more.
  • Some users express indifference towards the effort required, wishing for uniform unlock levels for set parts.
  • There’s a sense of resignation among players who see this as a deliberate attempt to extend playtime.

Frustration Insights

One user, JPrimal64, highlights the frustration by pointing out, “And the 500 vbucks too.” The added bonus of in-game currency further fuels the dissatisfaction.

Unlocking Grievances

Go_commit_lego_step voices a common sentiment, saying, “I just wish all the (main style) parts of a given set were unlockable around the same level.” This desire for more equitable progression resonates with many players.

Retention Strategy

Swimming-Roof-5998 points out the underlying tactic, noting, “It’s how they keep you playing.” The strategy of incentivizing prolonged engagement through bonus rewards is apparent to players.