Fortnite Community Expresses Disappointment with Star Wars Update

The latest Star Wars update in Fortnite seems to have left many fans feeling underwhelmed. What went wrong?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans were eagerly anticipating the Star Wars update, but it seems the excitement quickly turned to disappointment for many. TheGoldenBoy07 took to the subreddit to express their discontent with the latest additions.


  • Community disappointed with lack of lightsabers
  • Comparisons to previous successful events
  • Criticism towards limited use of Star Wars items

Star Wars Event Expectations

The anticipation for the Star Wars update was palpable among Fortnite enthusiasts. Many were excited to see how the beloved franchise would be integrated into the game’s world. However, the reality of the update left much to be desired.

The Absence of Lightsabers

One of the major letdowns highlighted by the community was the absence of lightsabers. Users like Boo5h-337 expressed their desire for this iconic weapon, emphasizing that it was a missed opportunity for the update to not include them.

Comparisons to Previous Events

Some members drew comparisons to past collaborations, such as the Avatar event, and lamented the perceived lack of depth in the Star Wars update. ReZempt_Shocks mentioned their expectations for a battle pass similar to previous events, indicating a sense of letdown.

Limited Use of Star Wars Items

A common thread among comments was the limited utilization of Star Wars items. Users like joeMAMAkim pointed out the contrast between Epic’s previous collaborations and the relatively restricted selection of items from the Star Wars universe.

Overall, the disappointment with the Star Wars update in Fortnite seems to stem from the community’s high expectations and the perceived lack of content and innovation in the latest integration. As fans eagerly await future updates, it remains to be seen if Epic Games will address these concerns and deliver a more satisfying experience.