Fortnite Community Debate: Augments vs. Medallions – What Players Prefer

The Fortnite community debates the merits of augments versus medallions in this heated discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent debate within the Fortnite community, users are split on whether they prefer augments or medallions in the game.


  • Players are divided on the value of augments versus medallions in Fortnite.
  • Some feel augments offered better gameplay options and variety.
  • Others appreciate the consistency and fairness of medallions.
  • The debate highlights the different preferences within the player base.
  • Community Sentiment

    Opinions on augments and medallions are split among players. Some express a strong preference for the versatility and excitement that augments brought to the game. They miss the unique abilities and combinations that augments offered, finding medallions lackluster in comparison. On the other hand, there are players who appreciate the balance and fairness that medallions provide. They believe that medallions offer a more consistent gameplay experience without the unpredictability of augments. This divide showcases the varied preferences within the Fortnite community.

    Player Opinions

    One user, Captain-Wilco, expresses their desire for augments to return permanently, highlighting their fondness for the gameplay they offered. Conversely, users like Mekl0 prefer the reliability of medallions over the RNG aspect of augments. The ongoing discussion reflects the ongoing debate within the community regarding the two systems.