Fortnite: Community Buzz on New Star Wars Cosmetics Pricing

Discover how the Fortnite community reacts to the prices of the latest Star Wars cosmetics in this revealing post and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the pricing of the new Star Wars cosmetics. The latest Reddit post reveals the cost of these exciting items, igniting a mix of reactions within the community.


  • Players are excited about the AWR Trooper but hesitant about the bundled Yoda.
  • Some feel the pricing is steep, questioning additional expenses.
  • Community members express interest in specific items like the Cloud City backbling.

AWR Trooper: A Must-Have

The AWR Trooper stands out as a fan favorite, with players eagerly anticipating its release. Despite the price tag, it’s a must-have for many in the community.

Yoda Bundle Debate

Opinions are divided on the bundled Yoda skin, with players unsure about spending extra V-Bucks for the iconic character. Some find it amusing while others consider it a pass.

Price Comparison Concerns

Players are comparing prices of new Star Wars cosmetics to previous avatar skins, raising questions about the value proposition. Some feel certain items are overpriced.