Fortnite Avatar Mythics: Reddit Users Sound Off on Leaving

Hear what Reddit users have to say about the Avatar mythics and their impending exit from Fortnite.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing with opinions about the Avatar mythics as they prepare to leave the game. What do Reddit users have to say?


  • Players express mixed feelings on the Avatar mythics, with some finding them dominating in the meta.
  • Some users appreciate the mobility the mythics provided, while others deemed them overpowered.
  • Air bending and water bending received both praise and criticism for their impact on gameplay.
  • Overall, the Avatar mythics sparked a range of reactions among the Fortnite community.

Air Bending Dominance

Danxoln highlighted the overtuning of air bending and water bending, suggesting their dominance in the meta.

Water Bending Approval

DianaDragonRoar expressed annoyance towards air bending but acknowledged the effectiveness of water bending.

Mixed Reactions to Avatar Items

Sassy_Sarranid criticized the Avatar items for being top-tier, contrasting them with previous balanced items like wings and chains.

Varied Opinions on Mobility and Balance

Subie- appreciated the mobility of air bending but also pointed out its OP nature, preferring other upcoming items to dealing with water bending spam.

CN370 provided a detailed breakdown of each Avatar mythic, sharing a mix of positive and negative feedback on their impact.

mrnoonan81 raised an interesting point about the focus on bending abilities compared to other mythics like the Chains of Hades.

loonylenny74 kept it short and direct with a succinct opinion on the Avatar mythics.