Fortnite: Are These Valid Reasons?

Do Fortnite players have valid reasons to play or is it all just corporate questions? Dive into the discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have their reasons for playing, but do they make sense?


  • Players have varied motivations beyond typical gameplay
  • Some see Fortnite as more than just a game
  • Corporate aspects and FOMO influence player decisions

Player Perspectives

One user comically stated, ‘Wait, you’re telling me Fortnite isn’t just a train-riding simulator?’ showcasing the diverse interpretations of the game’s premise

User jaqenjayz added a touch of humor, relating launching the game to discovering new plot twists in Fortnite’s ‘compelling narrative.’

Gaming Monitors Debate

User AnyBrush1640 raised an intriguing question about gaming monitors, sparking a discussion on optimal gaming setups

Ultimate Motivations

Reflecting on the motivation to play, Lunch7Box sarcastically remarked, ‘I mean no one would ever simply play Fortnite without some ulterior motive lol’