Fortnite Adds a Wild New Alastor Emote: What Do Players Think?

Fortnite players are buzzing about the addition of the new Alastor emote, but opinions are mixed. Let's find out what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been eagerly discussing the latest addition to the game: the Alastor emote. While some are excited about the new emote, others are less than thrilled. Let’s take a closer look at what the Fortnite community is saying about this wild new addition.


  • Opinions are mixed regarding the new Alastor emote.
  • Some players love the dark and edgy vibe it brings to the game.
  • Others feel it is overshadowing other updates and features.

Excitement Amongst Edgy Teens:

One user, Chaotic__Doctor, jokingly comments, “Big day for edgy teens.” This sentiment highlights the appeal of the Alastor emote among players who enjoy a darker aesthetic.

Underwhelmed Reactions:

Flowey626 brings up a different viewpoint, stating, “They did and it’s not getting talked about enough.” This suggests that some players are disappointed with the lack of attention given to other updates or features.

The Sound of Controversy:

Guestofguest1234 adds to the discussion, questioning the sound of the Alastor emote. This raises curiosity about the audio effects associated with the emote and adds an element of intrigue.

In conclusion, the addition of the Alastor emote to Fortnite has sparked a range of reactions within the community. While some players appreciate the dark and edgy vibe it brings, others feel it is overshadowing other updates. Whether you love it or not, the Alastor emote has certainly caught the attention of the Fortnite community.