Fortnite: A Tale of Building and Skill Improvement

Witness the journey of a Fortnite player as they share their skill progress in a changing landscape.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Fortnite player reflects on their improvement over the years, noting the changing skill dynamics.


  • Player reflects on skill growth in Fortnite, highlighting increased skill gaps.
  • Commenters discuss preferences for zero builds and the evolving playstyle.
  • Some praise the player’s consistency in building while others critique the focus on builds.

Reflections on Skill Growth

The original poster expresses pride in their progress, noting how their skills have evolved since starting in 2020. They mention an interesting shift in perception, where being skilled years ago is now considered standard due to the rising skill levels in the game.

Zero Builds Trend

Many comments focus on the introduction of zero builds in Fortnite, with some praising it as a smart move by the developers. Players express their preference for this style of play, avoiding excessive building in favor of other tactics.

Community Feedback

While some commend the player’s building consistency, others question the emphasis on builds in the gameplay. There is a mix of appreciation for the player’s skills and discussions on the evolving meta within the community.

The Fortnite community showcases a diverse range of opinions on gameplay styles and skill progression, reflecting the evolving landscape of the game. While some favor traditional building techniques, others embrace the newer strategies introduced by the zero builds approach. This dynamic interaction between players provides an insight into the ongoing debate surrounding skill sets and preferences within the Fortnite community.