foggedftw2: Stridebreaker Rework Guarantees Perfect Farm (Is It Broken??)

Check out foggedftw2's video on the Stridebreaker rework and whether it's worth building in your games!

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Griot the NPC

In foggedftw2’s latest video, he explores the potential of the Stridebreaker rework and whether it’s a viable item for Trundle in the top lane. The reworked item now builds out of Tiamat and provides damage, a slow effect, and increased movement speed per champion hit. foggedftw2 discusses the pros and cons of the item, its situational uses, and its impact on Trundle’s gameplay.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Stridebreaker can be a strong item against heavy burst teams, providing additional HP and survivability under turret dives.
  • The item’s slow effect and bonus movement speed can be useful for kiting and chasing down opponents.
  • Stridebreaker may not be worth building against late-game champions who can outscale Trundle.
  • It can be a niche pick against certain matchups, such as high burst champions like Gragas.

The Potential of Stridebreaker

foggedftw2 highlights the potential of Stridebreaker in certain matchups, particularly against burst-heavy teams. He emphasizes the item’s additional HP, which allows Trundle to survive under turret dives and against burst damage. The slow effect and bonus movement speed can also be advantageous for kiting and engaging opponents. However, foggedftw2 notes that Stridebreaker may not be the best choice against late-game champions who can outscale Trundle.

Situational Uses

According to foggedftw2, Stridebreaker can be a niche pick against specific matchups. He mentions that it can be effective against champions like Gragas, who rely on burst damage. Stridebreaker provides Trundle with the necessary stats to withstand the burst and potentially turn the tide of the fight. However, foggedftw2 advises considering the matchup and the team composition before opting for Stridebreaker as it may not always be the most optimal choice.

Is Stridebreaker Worth Building?

foggedftw2 concludes that Stridebreaker can be a viable item in certain situations, but it may not be a common choice in most games. While it offers additional survivability and utility, it may not provide the same damage output as other items. Players should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of Stridebreaker based on the specific matchup and their overall game plan. Ultimately, the decision to build Stridebreaker should be based on the player’s playstyle and preference.