Finding the Perfect Size for Sim Racing Triple Monitors – A Guide to Immersive Racing

Is bigger really better when it comes to triple monitor setups in sim racing? Find out what Reddit users have to say about achieving that 1:1 real-life feel.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered if bigger is always better in Sim Racing setups? A Reddit user’s disappointment with triple 32 monitors sparks a discussion on achieving that real-life feel in racing simulations.


  • Users debate the ideal monitor size for a 1:1 representation of real-life racing.
  • Some suggest VR as a more immersive alternative to large triple monitor setups.
  • The importance of FOV and screen calibration in creating a realistic racing experience is emphasized.
  • Concerns raised about the underlying software of popular sims affecting the pursuit of realism in setups.

Creating the Real Racing Experience

One user pointed out that the disappointment with the 32-inch triple setup could be attributed to an incorrect FOV setting. They suggested that a monitor size between 55 to 65 inches would better emulate the feeling of sitting in a real car.

VR vs. Large Monitor Setups

Many users advocated for VR as a more immersive solution to achieve a real-life racing experience. They highlighted the limitations of screen sizes and the abstract nature of displays compared to VR headsets.

The Role of Software in Realism

Some users raised concerns about the physics and force feedback inconsistencies in popular racing sims, impacting the pursuit of realism in setups. They emphasized the importance of software quality in complementing hardware setups for a truly immersive experience.

Users in the Sim Racing subreddit engage in a lively discussion about the quest for the perfect monitor size to recreate the sensation of being in a real racing car. From advocating for VR immersion to highlighting the software inconsistencies in popular sims, the conversation delves into the nuanced world of sim racing setups.