Find out why Tekken players are frustrated with long match wait times in the latest update

Why are Tekken players waiting excessively long for matches in the recent update? Dive into the community's frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are voicing their frustrations with the latest matchmaking update that has led to excessively long wait times for matches. One player, BlackbirdM5DB9, expressed disbelief after waiting 30 minutes for a single match. The update seemed to have impacted the search algorithm, causing players to struggle finding opponents.


  • Players are experiencing extended wait times for matches.
  • Some players report no issues with matchmaking and quick match finds.
  • Matchmaking changes have led to unbalanced matches and extended queue times.

Frustrations with Matchmaking

BlackbirdM5DB9’s post resonated with many players who have also encountered long wait times. Lithium43 shared similar concerns, highlighting repeated matches with the same opponents and unbalanced matchups due to the matchmaking changes. This inconsistency in finding matches has deterred players from enjoying Tekken during this patch.

Differing Experiences

On the other hand, users like BastianHS and Iboss1990 have not faced similar issues and continue to find matches quickly. This disparity in experiences indicates that the matchmaking update may be affecting players differently based on various factors such as rank and total points.

Potential Solutions

Some players have suggested troubleshooting methods like restarting the matchmaking or checking for glitches to improve the match finding process. However, the underlying issue seems to stem from the recent changes in matchmaking algorithms that prioritize rank and total points, leading to longer wait times and unbalanced matchups.

Despite differing experiences, the consensus among Tekken players is clear: the recent matchmaking update has created frustrations due to extended wait times and unbalanced matches. Players are eagerly awaiting a patch or revert to the previous system to enhance their gameplay experience.