Final Fantasy: Why FFIX is the Highest Rated Game on Metacritic

Discover why Final Fantasy IX maintains the top spot on Metacritic ratings amidst fan debates.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Final Fantasy, opinions run wild but the debate over why FFIX reigns supreme on Metacritic is a mystery worth unraveling.


  • FFIX’s high rating on Metacritic stems from few negative reviews, not just a surge of positive ones.
  • The game’s success over others may be attributed to the smaller number of critics reviewing it.
  • Fans defend FFIX as the standout entry in the franchise with unmatched quality.

Insightful Comments

One Reddit user highlighted the impact of negative reviews on a game’s overall score, noting that FFIX’s scarcity of detractors likely contributed to its high Metacritic rating.

Another user emphasized the importance of smaller review numbers enhancing a game’s score, shedding light on FFIX’s comparative advantage due to limited critical assessments.

Moreover, a fan staunchly proclaimed FFIX as the franchise’s best, indicating personal preferences as a significant factor driving its top rating.

Debates and Opinions

FFIX supporters argue for its quality and gameplay mechanics, asserting its superiority over other Final Fantasy titles.

Some users express skepticism towards Metacritic’s representation of player sentiments, advocating for individual evaluation over relying on aggregate scores.

Differing perspectives emerge on FFIX’s gameplay, with some detractors critiquing its pace and mechanics despite its high rating.

Final Thoughts

Amidst the ongoing discourse within the Final Fantasy community, the allure of FFIX’s top Metacritic position persists, showcasing the diverse range of opinions and preferences surrounding this iconic game.