Final Fantasy: Which Game Has the Best Victory Fanfare?

Final Fantasy fans debate on which game boasts the top victory fanfare. Which one is the best? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are divided on which game has the best victory fanfare. Let’s dive into the discussion on Reddit!


  • Fans express love for various victory fanfares, including those from FF7, FF8, and FF16.
  • Some appreciate the throwback vibes of older titles such as FF4 and FF5.
  • Debates arise over the synth sounds, chanting, and overall composition of the fanfares.

Opinions Galore

Many users praise the energetic and catchy victory fanfare of Final Fantasy X, which ramps up as it progresses, creating an exhilarating sensation.

One user mentions the iconic victory theme of FF7, where the sounds trigger nostalgia and resonate deeply with fans.

Fan Favorites

Some fans lean towards the futuristic style synth in FF7’s victory fanfare, appreciating the unique twist it brings to the classic tune.

Others enjoy the chanting in FF16’s victory theme, highlighting how it adds depth and drama to the celebratory moment.

Old vs. New

There’s a split between fans who prefer the traditional sounds of older titles like FF4 and FF5 versus those who gravitate towards the more modern compositions of games like FF16.

Regardless of the era, the victory fanfares continue to be a cherished aspect of the Final Fantasy series, sparking fond memories and discussions among fans.