Final Fantasy: What the Series Needs – Quirky Characters and Unique Party Members

Exploring the quirkier side of Final Fantasy characters and what the community desires in future installments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy has captured the hearts of gamers for decades, and one Reddit post delves into what the series truly needs to regain its spark. The post by ReaperEngine highlights the absence of quirky, non-standard characters in recent entries, pointing out the charm and uniqueness they bring to the party.


  • Embracing unconventional characters like Red XIII and Cait Sith can add depth and charm to the party dynamic.
  • Players express a desire for more nonhuman, quirky party members to bring diversity and fun to the gameplay experience.
  • The post sparks nostalgia for past Final Fantasy titles that featured eccentric characters with captivating backstories.

Quirky Characters in Final Fantasy

Users in the comments resonate with the sentiment of introducing more unconventional characters like Mog and Quina into the series. They express a longing for characters that break away from the typical idealized human archetypes, providing a fresh and engaging gameplay experience. KingLavitz shares their love for characters like Mog and Cait Sith, highlighting their unique playstyles and humorous traits that enhance the overall RPG experience.

Nostalgia for Eccentric Party Members

TheLongistGame reminisces about the quirky nature of past characters like Quina, emphasizing the joy derived from embracing unconventional party members. ten_dead_dogs playfully imagines a scenario where well-known characters take on bizarre forms, injecting humor and creativity into the gameplay.

Diverse Characters and Gameplay Experience

ethan_prime reflects on their initial fascination with Final Fantasy’s eclectic cast, noting how the unconventional lineup compelled them to explore the series further. FF7REMAKE acknowledges the significance of diverse party compositions in JRPGs, lamenting the lack of variety in modern titles compared to the unconventional designs and rich narratives of earlier games.

Glutton4Butts and ShinGundam express a desire for unique characters and races, highlighting the potential for fresh storytelling and world-building within the Final Fantasy universe. However, bloodstainedphilos expresses concerns over Square Enix’s emulation of Western RPGs, suggesting a potential shift in direction for the series.