Final Fantasy VII: How Twin Peaks Made Its Mark on the Iconic Game

Discover how Twin Peaks influenced Yoshinori Kitase in creating the original FFVII and its music, bringing a unique vibe to the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Did you know that Twin Peaks might have played a massive role in shaping the iconic Final Fantasy VII? According to Yoshinori Kitase, the director himself expressed how Twin Peaks had a significant influence on him during the game’s development phase.


  • Yoshinori Kitase revealed Twin Peaks as a key inspiration for FFVII.
  • Comments highlight the striking similarities between Twin Peaks and FFVII.
  • Several users point out the influence on other JRPGs as well.

Twin Peaks Influence on FFVII

Yoshinori Kitase’s acknowledgment of Twin Peaks’ impact sheds light on the game’s unique atmosphere and narrative parallels. The fusion of elements from Twin Peaks into FFVII elevated the game’s storytelling and musical ambiance significantly.

Community Insights

Users discuss how various aspects of Twin Peaks, such as the music and thematic elements, resonate strongly with the FFVII experience. The intertwined connection between the two creates a nostalgic and immersive journey for players.

Broader JRPG Influence

Players delve into the broader influence of Twin Peaks on the JRPG genre, citing examples from other popular franchises like Silent Hill and Metal Gear, underscoring the lasting impact of the iconic TV series on gaming narratives.

The intricate relationship between Twin Peaks and FFVII continues to fascinate fans, showcasing the enduring legacy of both cultural touchstones within the gaming community.