Final Fantasy: Ranking the Best Written Protagonists According to Reddit

Discover the top 5 best-written protagonists in the Final Fantasy series as voted by Reddit users.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a world filled with iconic Final Fantasy characters, Reddit users took to the thread to debate and discuss their top 5 best-written FF protagonists.


  • Y’shtola representing FFXIV sparks a humorous debate on character depth.
  • Cloud, Lightning, and Noctis are recurring favorites in the ranking.
  • Alphinaud’s arc in XIV is proposed as a contender for top spots.
  • Ramza’s absence noted due to mainline restrictions, with a potential replacement for Tidus.

SeaSiSee: The Y’shtola Debate

SeaSiSee humorously points out the irony of Y’shtola representing FFXIV despite lacking development compared to other Scions.

nanakhi88: Fan Favorites

Cloud, Zidane, and Noctis make frequent appearances in user rankings, showcasing their enduring popularity.

justagayrattlesnake: Emotional Impact

Class Zero members evoke strong emotions, with mentions of Terra, Bartz, and Lightning provoking tears.

peter123yeah: Cloud’s Surprising Appeal

Peter123yeah expresses admiration for Cloud’s character, despite not being a fan of FF7.