Final Fantasy Platinum Marathon: A Gamers’ Quest for Trophies

Follow surfsupdewd97 on an epic journey to complete all the Final Fantasy Platinum trophies!

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a monumental quest to conquer the Final Fantasy Platinum Marathon! A redditor known as surfsupdewd97 is nearing the end of this legendary gaming challenge.


  • Final Fantasy Platinum Marathon: A challenge to remember!
  • IX and X trophies pose a significant obstacle for many
  • Players share experiences and tips on tackling the marathon

Platinum Trophies: A Love-Hate Relationship

Many gamers express frustration over the IX and X trophies, highlighting the difficulty as a major deterrent from attempting the Final Fantasy Platinum Marathon.

Achievement Unlocked: Persistence

Gamers like KennedyX8 showcase their dedication by planning to platinum FF XVI before engaging in the marathon, illustrating a passion for completionist pursuits.

Community Recommendations

The Final Fantasy community suggests exploring spinoffs like Dissidia to expand the platinum journey, fostering camaraderie in shared gaming experiences.