Final Fantasy Platinum Achieved: A Reddit Celebration

Join the Reddit community in celebrating the beauty of Final Fantasy as a player achieves Platinum status on this masterpiece of a game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans unite as a player proudly achieves Platinum status on this gaming masterpiece. The Reddit community is buzzing with excitement!


  • Players celebrate achieving Platinum status in Final Fantasy.
  • Some users critique the difficulty requirements in the game.
  • Positive comments highlight the beauty of the game’s story.
  • Discussion on the game’s achievements compared to others.

Player Achievements

A user expresses gratitude towards the developers and shares their experience of spending 132 hours to complete the game, praising its beauty and story.

Difficulty Concerns

One player mentions struggling with the game’s highest difficulty due to physical limitations, sparking a discussion on accessibility in gaming.

Comparing Achievements

Players compare the achievement percentage of Final Fantasy with other popular games, expressing excitement for upcoming gaming experiences.

Critiques and Comparisons

Some users debate the term ‘gorgeous masterpiece’ in reference to Final Fantasy, drawing comparisons to other games and expressing differing opinions.

Final Fantasy continues to captivate players, sparking discussions and celebrations within the community.