Final Fantasy Love Triangle: Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa Relationship Debate

The debate on Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa's relationships in Final Fantasy VII continues to spark heated discussions among fans.

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In the world of Final Fantasy, the relationships between Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa have always been a topic of heated debate among fans. The love triangle debate continues to spark discussions as fans analyze the dynamics between these beloved characters from the iconic FFVII. Briana White, the actor who voices Aerith in the Final Fantasy VII Remake, shared her insights on the ‘love triangle’ in a recent interview, stirring up the fandom once again.


  • Fans interpret Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa’s relationships differently, fueling ongoing debates about the true dynamics.
  • Briana White’s comments on the ‘love triangle’ have reignited discussions about the characters’ romantic entanglements.
  • The concept of a love triangle in FFVII raises questions about player choices and canonical relationships.

Love Triangle Theories

In the Final Fantasy community, diverse opinions exist regarding the romantic connections between Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa. Some fans believe in a genuine love triangle scenario, where each character harbors feelings for the other two simultaneously. User ‘ahs212’ humorously suggests that the story might culminate in a massive orgy among the characters, highlighting the complexity of their relationships.

Canon Relationships

Discussions often revolve around the concept of canon relationships in the Final Fantasy VII universe. User ‘Mooncubus’ points out the ambiguity surrounding the canonical pairings, with references to different installments like Advent Children. The evolving narrative of the Final Fantasy franchise leaves room for varied interpretations of character dynamics.

Fan Interpretations

Many fans bring their own interpretations to the table, shaping the perception of Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa’s relationships. User ‘gatsu01’ sees Aerith as the initial connection, Tifa as the longtime friend, and Cloud caught in between, reflecting on the complexity of multiple meaningful relationships in one’s life.

Debates on the Final Fantasy love triangle highlight the enduring appeal of the characters and the rich narrative tapestry woven by the franchise. As fans continue to dissect the intricate relationships between Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa, the discussion remains vibrant and ever-evolving.