Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster: Farming for a Pink Tail Frustration

Join the Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster farming frenzy as players grind endlessly for a coveted Pink Tail!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster, players share epic tales of grinding for the elusive Pink Tail.


  • Desire Sensor: Players believe in an unseen force that teases them with desired items.
  • RNG Frustration: The dreaded random number generator leads to hours of grinding.
  • Humorous Resignation: Some players find solace through humor and pray for a double drop.

Desire Sensor Dilemma

It’s a common belief among gamers that there’s a mysterious algorithm in games that detects your deepest desires and thwarts your efforts just to mess with you. User neogeo5185 humorously illustrates this idea by mentioning a ‘desire meter’ that the game apparently keeps track of.

RNG Strikes Again

The random number generator, or RNG, is the bane of every gamer’s existence, especially in farming scenarios. User gimm3nicotin3 sums it up perfectly with a simple ‘Rng, baby’ comment, capturing the frustration of relying on luck-based drops.

Hilarious Acceptance

User Loyaler1 takes a light-hearted approach by praying for the improbable double drop and expressing joy when it miraculously happens. Their humorous reaction showcases the rollercoaster of emotions players experience while grinding for rare items.

The Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster Pink Tail farming saga is a rollercoaster of emotions, from frustration to elation, encapsulating the highs and lows of gaming grind sessions.