Final Fantasy: Is FF7 Remake a Good Starting Point for New Players?

Considering diving into the Final Fantasy series with FF7 Remake? Find out if it's the right starting point from Reddit discussions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Interested in exploring the Final Fantasy series but unsure if FF7 Remake is the best starting point? Let’s dive into what Reddit users have to say!


  • FF7 Remake is a popular option for new players but consider if you prefer modern or traditional RPG elements
  • Remake offers engaging gameplay and impressive graphics according to players
  • Some users recommend playing the original FF7 first for a deeper understanding

Opinions on FF7 Remake

Starting with FF7 Remake is a great choice for new players, offering a blend of modern and traditional Final Fantasy elements. The engaging gameplay and impressive graphics make it a popular option among fans. However, some users suggest playing the original FF7 first for a more immersive experience and deeper story understanding.

Alternative Starting Points

While many recommend FF7 Remake as a starting point, some users suggest trying out other titles like FFX or FFVI for a self-contained world, great storyline, and enjoyable gameplay. It’s essential to consider your preferences before diving into the series to ensure you find the right starting point that suits your gaming style.

Explore Different Experiences

Final Fantasy offers a diverse range of games, each providing unique experiences and stories. If FF7 Remake isn’t your cup of tea, don’t give up on the series entirely. Explore other titles like FF9 or FFX to find the game that resonates with you the most. Keep an open mind and delve into the world of Final Fantasy to discover your favorite installment!