Final Fantasy Guns Vs Swords: A Fantasy Debate Among Fans

Fans discuss the logic of swords outmatching guns in Final Fantasy games. Explore the humorous and speculative arguments within the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans have sparked a lively debate over the logic of swords prevailing over guns in the game series. The discussion revolves around the disbelief of short-range weapons outmatching firearms and the peculiarities of combat dynamics in these fantastical worlds.


  • Fans question the mechanics of swords versus guns in Final Fantasy.
  • Community members point out the blend of fantasy and suspension of disbelief within the games.
  • The disparity between gameplay mechanics and narrative portrayal fuels the ongoing debate.
  • Humor and acceptance of fantastical elements play a significant role in fans’ enjoyment of the series.


    One user jokes about Tifa using only her fists as a testament to the game’s combat logic.


    Another user suggests suspending disbelief is necessary due to the magical nature of the game world.


    A fan appreciates the aesthetics of giant swords, acknowledging the appeal despite their impracticality.


    Discussing the realism within the game’s fantasy setting, a user argues that guns function differently in this context compared to real life.


    An elaborate explanation delves into the resilience and uniqueness of characters, rendering guns less effective in combat scenarios.


    A humorous take on combat outcomes suggests that damage numbers in the game reflect the effectiveness of weapons.


    An analogy is drawn between firearms and physical strength, emphasizing the progression of power in combat.


    Recognizing the inherent game design choices, a player humorously attributes the illogical combat scenarios to the nature of video games.


    A playful comment suggests that characters’ bracelets serve as protection against bullets, adding a touch of humor to the discussion.


    A cautionary remark humorously advises against venturing into intricacies of other complex universes to avoid cognitive overload.


    A breakdown of gameplay versus story elements in Final Fantasy games, exploring the discrepancies in combat mechanics for narrative and gameplay purposes.


    A fan acknowledges the need to embrace illogical elements in games to fully enjoy the experience.


    Referencing anime science, a user suggests that characters possess extraordinary endurance to withstand intense trauma in the game world.


    A concept of the ‘rule of Cool’ is highlighted, indicating that stylistic choices often dictate the strength of weapons in the game.


    The fun and whimsical nature of fantasy settings are appreciated by a fan, emphasizing the joy derived from unconventional combat scenarios.