Final Fantasy: Gamers React to Beating Brutal Challenge #5 on Reddit

Join the excitement as Reddit users share their thoughts on conquering a tough gaming challenge.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are buzzing about a remarkable feat shared on Reddit, where a player managed to beat all 10 rounds of the brutal Challenge #5 on their iPhone while at work.


  • Challenger’s unconventional playstyle sparks amazement.
  • Community members express awe, skepticism, and admiration.
  • Questions arise about gaming peripherals and skill levels.

The Unbelievable Feat

Reddit user ‘gariepydj’ caused quite a stir by sharing their achievement of conquering all 10 rounds of Brutal Challenge #5 while on the job using their iPhone. Their post received a mix of reactions, with some users amazed by the dedication and skill required for such a task. One user, ‘ninjacat249,’ humorously suggested attempting the challenges with unconventional controllers like a dance mat or a driving wheel, reflecting the community’s playful spirit.

The Backbone of Success

‘CinnamonRollDevourer’ recommended investing in a Backbone mobile gaming controller for an enhanced gaming experience. This suggestion sparked a discussion on the importance of gaming peripherals in tackling challenging levels, showcasing the community’s willingness to share tips and tricks to improve each other’s gaming experience.

A Touch of Skepticism

While many users were impressed by gariepydj’s achievement, some expressed disbelief and astonishment at the sheer dedication needed to pull off such a feat. User ‘sempercardinal57’ humorously labeled the player as a ‘psychopath,’ highlighting the lighthearted banter present within the Final Fantasy community.

Clearly, the Final Fantasy subreddit is abuzz with excitement and admiration for gariepydj’s remarkable gaming accomplishment. The mix of amazement, skepticism, and humorous exchanges among community members showcases the vibrant and passionate nature of Final Fantasy fans. As gamers continue to push boundaries and share their experiences, the subreddit remains a hub of creativity, support, and camaraderie.