Final Fantasy Fans Shaping a New Narrative: Cloud’s VA Raises Controversial Topic

Cloud’s VA sparks debate amid FF7 fans' tendency to excessively sexualize characters, affecting story progression and relationships.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surprising twist, the voice actor for Cloud in the Final Fantasy VII game brings a controversial topic to light, stirring a heated discussion about fans’ overt sexualization of characters


  • Cloud’s VA criticizes fans’ tendency to “ship” characters to an excessive and sexual degree.
  • This alleged over sexualization can potentially hinder robust character relationships and narrative development.
  • A number of fans, along with other character VAs from the game, share similar views sparking a unified sentiment among the community.

The Fan Community’s Response

In the wake of this revelation, the FF7 community had a varied response. A user, atxsubpunk, amusingly pointed out that fans may find it near impossible not to sexualize the character relationships, given the alluring character designs. Another user, Elrothiel1981, humorously mentioned that if they were after a sensual experience, they would opt for other avenues outside the Final Fantasy realm.

Thoughts from Fellow Voice Actors

Brianna White, Aerith VA, is among those echoing her endorsement of Cody’s (Cloud VA) perspective. This user, BlitzPlaysFF, agreed saying that obsessive ‘shipping’ can stymie meaningful interactions between Cloud and other significant characters

Can The Narrative ‘Ship’ Change Course?

It’s interesting to consider the scope of change the game could conceivably undergo if this sexualization factor were toned down. The game thrives on relationship intricacies and emotionally charged connections. Getting rid of myopia towards certain pairings could further delve into deeper relational layers of other characters

On the whole, the topic stirred substantial discussion among the fans, revealing a divided sentiment. As Cloud’s VA points out, fans could do the game a favor by stepping away from ‘shipping’ obsessions and focusing more on the narrative, thereby improving the game experience for the entire community.