Final Fantasy: Fans React to FF7 Rebirth Moogle Design

The FF7 Rebirth Moogles have fans split on whether the design is a hit or miss.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are buzzing with mixed feelings about the design of the FF7 Rebirth Moogles. After seeing the new look, many are torn between disappointment and acceptance.


  • Many fans find the FF7 Rebirth Moogle design to be a departure from the classic model.
  • Suggestions were made to use previous designs like the one in FF16 for better reception.
  • The absence of teeth on the Moogle was a particular sticking point for some players.

Fan Reactions

Commenter lykanprince noted, ‘The only thing they got wrong is the Moogles. My friend and I thought they looked weird af, not true to the original design.’

Zander1234321 joked, ‘Got that kupacapulco gold,’ in a lighthearted response to the design.

Anubis1096 expressed disappointment, saying, ‘The Rebirth Moogle is hideous. Why couldn’t they use the design from FF16?’

JB_Newman found humor in the situation, stating, ‘It’s pretty hilarious that they literally just say ‘kupo’ as a word during their dialogue. I’d always interpreted it as a little squeaky noise.’

Final Thoughts

Overall, the FF7 Rebirth Moogle design has stirred up a range of emotions among fans, from shock and disappointment to amusement and eventual acceptance. While some find the new look unsettling, others see it as a unique twist on a familiar character. Whether you’re Team Rebirth or Team Classic, one thing’s for sure—the Moogles have certainly sparked a lively debate in the Final Fantasy community.