Final Fantasy 9 Remake Rumors Spark Debate Among Fans

Fans are split on the idea of a Final Fantasy 9 Remake versus a Final Fantasy 10 Remake.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are buzzing over rumors of a remake for Final Fantasy 9 but are divided on whether a Final Fantasy 10 Remake should follow.


  • Debate stirred over the need for a Final Fantasy 9 Remake.
  • Some fans prefer a remake of Final Fantasy 8 or 6 over Final Fantasy 10.
  • Concerns about character model changes in a potential Final Fantasy 9 Remake.

Reactions to Final Fantasy 9 Remake

Yanrogue expresses excitement but a long wait timeframe for the FF9 Remake. “Can’t wait to play this in 15-20 years.”

Hieuro mentions still longing for a Tactics Remake.

Inedible-denim eagerly anticipates the remake but raises concerns about character model changes for Kuja and Quina.

Preference for Other Remakes

Flop_Flurpin89 would prefer an FF8, 6, or Chrono Trigger remake before Final Fantasy 10.

sh00ner laments the lack of a Final Fantasy 8 remake, comparing it to the neglected Resident Evil Code Veronica.

traincarryinggravy emphasizes the integrity of Final Fantasy 10’s battle system and sphere grid.

Desired Remake Improvements

joudanjanaiwayo outlines desired improvements for a FF9 Remake including HD models and battle speed enhancements.

fake-tales echoes the excitement over the potential FF9 Remake.