Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3: Story Completion Buzz

The completion of FF7 Remake Part 3's story has fans buzzing with excitement as details about the game's development unfold.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exciting news hit the Final Fantasy community as details about the completion of FF7 Remake Part 3’s story surfaced. According to user @aitaikimochi’s post, the main story has been completed, hinting at progress in the game’s development. Nomura and Kitase’s involvement in shaping the game’s narrative have fans speculating on what surprises may await in the final installment.


  • Fans are excited about the progress of FF7 Remake Part 3’s story, anticipating a satisfying conclusion.
  • Kitase’s commitment to maintaining quality without sacrificing time elicits confidence in the game’s development.
  • Speculation arises around potential new additions to the game proposed by Kitase and Nomura.

Anticipation for the Future

Commenters expressed their excitement, with one user sharing their dream scenario of a smoothly progressing development cycle. The prospect of hearing about completed back-end work signals positive momentum for the highly anticipated game.

Past Achievements and Future Innovations

Discussion around the efficiency of developing FF7 Rebirth in three years highlights the team’s dedication and expertise. Some fans suggest a more iterative approach for future entries to build upon the success of previous installments.

Speculative Release Dates

Speculation on promotional activities for Part 3 aligning with the franchise’s 30th anniversary in 2027 fuels excitement for the game’s future. The potential to play all three installments within seven years is seen as a significant milestone by the community.