Final Fantasy 6: A Fan Favorite or a Middle-of-the-Pack Hit?

Join the debate and explore why Final Fantasy 6 holds a special place in fans' hearts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy 6 has sparked a heated debate among fans, with opinions ranging from sheer adoration to lukewarm appreciation. Some users are quick to praise its narrative depth and memorable characters, while others point out its flaws and shortcomings.


  • Opinions on Final Fantasy 6 range from being a top favorite to just a solid entry in the series.
  • The game’s narrative depth and character development receive praise from fans.
  • Some players highlight flaws like a large cast of characters and overpowered magic.
  • Memorable moments like Kefka’s world destruction and the poisoning of Doma stand out for many.

Defending FF6’s Legacy

For some fans like ‘Throw_away_1011_’ Final Fantasy 6 stands out as their favorite entry in the series, citing the impact of Kefka’s actions and the game’s unforgettable ending as key reasons for its appeal.

A Lukewarm Reception

On the other hand, users like ‘Nolyd_Dylon’ express appreciation for FF6 but admit it doesn’t crack their personal top 5, highlighting that not growing up with the game might influence their ranking.

The Love for Classic FF

‘Level_Ninety_Nine’ shares a sentiment common among fans, praising FF6 for being their introduction to the genre and lauding its character depth that hooked them to the series.