Final Fantasy 16: Embracing the Divisive Love-Hate Relationship of Fans

The Final Fantasy community debates the divisiveness of FF16 - is it really the most polarizing entry?

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy has always been a hot topic for debate among fans, but FF16 seems to have taken it to a whole new level. With vehement hatred and die-hard love, this game has truly split the community like never before.


  • Every Final Fantasy game since at least 12 has faced divisive opinions from fans.
  • Recency bias plays a role in the heightened emotions towards newer entries like FF16.
  • The love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy games is a staple of the franchise.

Debate Over Divisiveness

Some users argue that FF16 being the most divisive is exaggerated, pointing out that games like FF13 have faced similar levels of contention. Others believe that the game’s polarizing elements make it stand out from its predecessors. Regardless, it seems that Final Fantasy games will always provoke strong opinions among fans.

Recency Bias and Nostalgia

Many fans attribute the current divisiveness to recency bias, where newer releases are scrutinized more harshly than older games. Nostalgia also plays a part, with discussions revolving around past titles like FF7 or FF8, which continue to spark heated debates among fans even years after their release.

The Cycle of Critique

As one user points out, each new Final Fantasy release becomes a target for criticism until the next installment arrives. This cyclical pattern of critique and reassessment ensures that no game in the franchise escapes the scrutiny of its dedicated fanbase.