Final Fantasy 12 – Ben Starr’s Take on the Worst Cid

Ben Starr's opinion on the worst Cid in Final Fantasy sparks controversy among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ben Starr’s recent comments on Final Fantasy 12’s Cid have stirred up quite the debate among fans. The discussion revolves around whether ‘worst’ refers to the character’s morality or complexity.


  • Ben Starr’s critiquing of FF12’s Cid ignites discourse on the character.
  • Fans debate if ‘worst’ refers to Cid’s moral nature or narrative impact.
  • Some appreciate Cid as a well-crafted villain, while others find him lacking compared to other game iterations.
  • The post highlights varying interpretations of what makes a character ‘the worst.’

AchtungCloud’s Perspective

AchtungCloud defends Starr, noting that ‘worst’ likely refers to Cid’s villainy, not characterization. The humorous mention of marrying Rinoa adds lightheartedness to the debate.

AudioGoober88’s Take

AudioGoober88 appreciates Cid’s abhorrent nature in FF12, finding his unapologetic villainy compelling. This perspective sheds light on why some players enjoy morally complex antagonists.

montoyaa520’s Insight

montoyaa520 critiques the title as misleading, arguing that ‘worst’ in this context points to Cid’s heinous acts, not his depth as a character. This comment delves into the nuanced interpretation of villains in gaming.

Lunacie’s Comparison

Lunacie contrasts Cid in FF12 with the morally gray Cid in FF6, highlighting the varying shades of villainy across the series. The discussion expands to explore different facets of villain characters.

GladiusLegis succinctly labels FF12’s Cid as the worst person among all Cid characters, summarizing the sentiment toward this particular iteration.

Paladine36 humorously expresses dissatisfaction with the post title, showcasing a lighter perspective among the passionate fanbase.