Filthy Casual: How to Perfect Your Build in Diablo 3

Learn how to optimize your character's build in Diablo 3 with Filthy Casual's comprehensive guide. Find out how to obtain and upgrade gear, improve your modifiers, and more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you struggling to perfect your build in Diablo 3? Look no further than Filthy Casual’s latest video, where he provides a comprehensive guide on how to optimize your character’s build. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has valuable tips and tricks to help you maximize your potential.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Obtain the correct pieces for your build by watching build videos or using build guides.
  • Focus on getting a primal weapon for a significant damage boost.
  • Level up your legendary gems and unlock the correct powers for your build.
  • Improve your gear by spending resources wisely, such as blood shards and bounty mats.

Obtaining the Correct Pieces

To start perfecting your build, you’ll need to obtain the correct pieces of gear. Watch build videos or consult build guides to determine which items you need. You can also use the website for build guides. Focus on obtaining the set pieces first, as they are essential for your build. You can target specific pieces by rolling pants, which tend to be cheaper to obtain. Once you have five pieces, you can use the “Convert Set Item” recipe in the cube to swap them for the desired set. Be on the lookout for good gloves during this process, as they can be difficult to roll.

Upgrading Your Gear

Once you have the correct pieces, it’s time to upgrade your gear. Start by getting a primal weapon, as it provides a significant damage increase. Use the “Upgrade Legendary Item” recipe in the cube to craft a primal weapon. Consider the specific stats you need for your build, such as attack speed or crit chance, and aim for those when crafting your weapon. Don’t be afraid to salvage unwanted primals for primordial ashes if you need the resources.

Leveling Up Legendary Gems

Legendary gems are another crucial aspect of perfecting your build. Level them up as high as possible by running Greater Rifts or playing in groups. Focus on getting the correct level three power for your build. If you don’t like a specific level three power, you can use it as an augment gem for your gear. Augmenting your gear with gems adds additional power and is essential for increasing your damage.

Improving Your Modifiers

Modifiers play a significant role in your build’s effectiveness. Aim to increase the values of your modifiers, such as elemental damage or crit chance. Concentrate on getting high percentage values on your modifiers, even if it means sacrificing the perfection of other stats on your gear. Some modifiers, like Convention of Elements, are additive and provide a significant damage boost. Don’t stress too much about having everything perfect, as it can be time-consuming and not always necessary.

Spending Resources Wisely

When improving your gear, it’s crucial to spend your resources wisely. Use blood shards to target cheaper options like pants, boots, chest, and shoulders. Save your bounty materials for harder-to-obtain items. Consider running Visions of Emity to collect green set pieces, rings, belts, and amulets. Reforge items in the cube to try and get better rolls, but be mindful of the time and resource investment. Don’t worry too much about perfection; focus on doing the best you can with the resources you have.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to perfecting your build in Diablo 3. Remember to enjoy the game and have fun while experimenting and refining your character’s setup. Happy hunting, Nephalem!