FIFA: Why Is Everyone’s Team Faster? Insights from Reddit

The FIFA community questions why opponents' teams are faster, seeking answers in server connections and gameplay mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA players are puzzled as to why their opponents’ teams are consistently faster. This discrepancy has led to frustration and confusion among the community.


  • Players speculate on server connections affecting gameplay.
  • Some believe game mechanics like momentum play a role in team speed.
  • Analogue sprint settings may impact player movement.

Insights on Gameplay

Some players attribute the speed difference to server connections and random number generation. The unpredictability of these factors can lead to varying player performance on the pitch.

Impact of Server Connection

Others argue that server connection quality directly influences player speed and responsiveness. A stable connection is deemed essential for players to perform according to their attributes.

Game Mechanics and Momentum

The concept of momentum within the game is discussed, with players suspecting it as a way to balance gameplay and prevent weaker players from quitting. This mechanic can lead to perceived speed imbalances on the field.

FIFA’s competitive nature often sparks heated debates among players, with some resorting to drastic measures like quitting the game due to frustrations with perceived unfair advantages. Despite the challenges faced, the community continues to search for solutions and ways to enhance their gaming experience.