FIFA Ultimatum: TOTS Saliba Chaos Unveiled

Dive into the scandalous world of FIFA's TOTS Saliba market mayhem!

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, a frenzy unfolded in the FIFA community surrounding the mass selling of TOTS Saliba in the PC market. The chaotic events left many scratching their heads, wondering who was behind the sudden flood of listings.


  • EA’s sinister market manipulation tactics revealed
  • Players outraged at potential coin draining schemes
  • Community divided on the true intentions behind the sudden influx of listings
  • Speculations arise on the impact of these events on the game’s economy
  • Insider Perspective

    The FIFA community erupted with theories and accusations as the controversy surrounding the mass selling of TOTS Saliba engulfed the PC market. Some players attributed the flood of listings to EA’s malicious intent to manipulate prices and drain players’ hard-earned coins. HendrixVII pointed fingers directly at EA, labeling it as ‘mass listing’ rather than individual player action.

    Exploring The Chaos

    ddinblue offered a different perspective, suggesting that all the listed cards were first-owned, implying that it wasn’t a calculated investment move but rather EA strategically flooding the market. This sentiment was echoed by Baldum, who emphasized EA’s blatant tactics to lower prices and influence the in-game economy.

    Community Outcry

    Outraged by the situation, reds7310 went as far as to label EA’s actions as borderline criminal, sparking a heated debate on the ethics of such practices within the gaming industry. Meanwhile, Additional-Produce81 shed light on EA’s ulterior motive, suggesting that these orchestrated events were designed to push players towards purchasing packs in a vicious cycle of coin loss and spending.