FIFA Ultimate Team Weekend League Woes: Players Struggle in TOTS Season

FIFA fans face a tough Weekend League as the TOTS season takes its toll on players.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA players are experiencing a rollercoaster ride in the Weekend League (WL), with many struggling to maintain their usual form. The post discusses the significant drop in performance, with players going from strong starts to frustrating losing streaks.


  • Players face a challenging Weekend League due to Team of the Season (TOTS) effect.
  • Connection issues, gameplay problems, and toxic community behavior amplify WL frustrations.
  • Some players note a pattern of initial success followed by unexpected drops in performance.

Kicking Off the Weekend League

Haalandderstrong describes a drastic shift in performance, struggling to secure wins after a promising start, echoing the sentiments of many players in the WL. The Team of the Season event seems to have disrupted the usual flow of matches, leaving players puzzled and frustrated.

Struggles and Frustrations

For Cjmainy, the WL serves as a frustrating reminder of the game’s flaws magnified in a competitive setting. The combination of poor servers, community behavior, and meta tactics results in a disappointing experience, leading some players to question their participation in future WL events.

Ups and Downs of Form

JammersR highlights the inconsistency in WL performance, with initial success not guaranteeing continued wins. This unpredictability creates a challenging environment where players must adapt quickly to changing circumstances to secure a successful weekend.