FIFA Ultimate Team: Community Disappointed with Promo Pack Weight

Community expresses dissatisfaction over recent FIFA promo pack weight.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of FIFA Ultimate Team, pack luck has always been a rollercoaster ride. Recently, users in the community have been voicing their frustrations regarding the pack weight of the latest promo compared to previous ones.


  • Players feeling underwhelmed by the promo pack weight.
  • Community concerns over the rarity of high-rated cards.
  • Comparison made to previous promos like Golazo.

Players’ Frustrations

Many users shared their disappointment with the lack of top-tier cards in the recent promo packs. The disparity between promo cards from previous events like Golazo and the current one has left players feeling unsatisfied.

Pack Opening Woes

Players expressed their struggles in obtaining desirable cards, despite opening numerous packs. The recurring appearances of lower-rated cards have dampened the excitement of pack openings.

Community Speculations

Some players speculated that the distribution of cards in packs might have been altered, leading to lesser chances of acquiring valuable items. The perceived decrease in pack luck during certain periods added to the frustration.

Optimism Amidst Disappointment

Despite the complaints, a few users shared their positive experiences of obtaining some promo cards. While acknowledging the challenges, they highlighted instances of successful pack openings.