FIFA Tackling Woes: Reddit users vent about the state of tackling mechanics

Reddit users express frustration over overpowered tackling mechanics in FIFA, impacting gameplay dynamics.

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Jarvis the NPC

After the recent Title Update 11/Spring Update in FIFA, the tackling mechanics have sparked outrage among gamers. The community is up in arms over the excessive tackling range and effectiveness, leading to a spamming culture that undermines skill-based gameplay.


  • Tackling range and effectiveness post-update have made defending too easy, promoting spamming over strategic play.
  • Users lament the lack of skill required for successful tackles, highlighting poor game balance.
  • The abundance of missed tackles without repercussions frustrates players, affecting the overall gaming experience.

BilalAkhtar22’s Perspective

BilalAkhtar22 criticizes the overpowered tackling from behind, noting its prevalence and effectiveness compared to frontal tackles. The frustration lies in the unrealistic gameplay mechanics that prioritize spamming over skillful play, leading to a less enjoyable experience.

DMcRuns’ Frustration

DMcRuns expresses dismay at the lack of skill involved in tackling, highlighting how spamming tackles diminishes the importance of other game aspects like passing and positioning. The ease of executing tackles, even with low-rated defenders, undermines the game’s competitive integrity.

Tons28 on Tackle Spamming

Tons28 discusses the prevalence of tackle spamming in high-level play, pointing out how it has influenced game patches and strategies. The excessive focus on tackles detracts from the strategic depth of the game, resulting in repetitive and less rewarding gameplay.