FIFA: Signs Your Opponent is Good or Bad – Experts Share Insights!

Want to know if your opponent in FIFA is a pro or a noob? Get tips from top players on how to spot the signs early on!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever faced off against an opponent in FIFA and immediately knew whether they were a skilled player or a total newbie? One Reddit user posed this question, asking the community for their immediate signs to determine the quality of their adversary. Let’s dive into the insights shared by gamers!


  • Pro players showcase precision in every move, while noobs resort to mechanics abuse.
  • An opponent’s ability to predict passes post-kickoff can signal trouble ahead.
  • Ball rolling before or after passes is a small clue to an opponent’s skill level.

Expert Insights: Recognizing Opponent Skills

Marwinz describes facing a top-tier player who exhibited flawless gameplay, demonstrating mastery in various aspects of the game. Despite feeling challenged, the encounter served as a learning experience for Marwinz, highlighting the skill gap that exists in the FIFA community.

Expert Opinions: Mechanic Abuse vs. Game Skill

Lanregeous, an elite division player, shares a contrasting view, suggesting that being proficient in FIFA no longer solely reflects true skill but rather exploitation of game mechanics. This perspective challenges the traditional notion of gaming prowess.

Gameplay Clues: Small Details, Big Impacts

Adept-Memory points out the significance of an opponent’s ability to predict passes, indicating strategic foresight and game awareness. This foresight can often dictate the flow and outcome of a match, showcasing the player’s predictive prowess.

Imtired-boss sheds light on the subtle yet telling habit of ball rolling before or after passes, a technique that can hint at an opponent’s level of control and finesse in executing plays.

Jzanville delves into defensive strategies, emphasizing the distinction between a skilled defender’s composed approach and a novice’s erratic behavior. Recognizing these defensive patterns can provide valuable insights into an opponent’s skill level.

5star5starman emphasizes the importance of effective pressing techniques, underscoring the impact of pressure and control in dictating the pace and tempo of a match.