FIFA Serie A Team of the Season Revealed: Fan Reactions and Controversy

Check out the latest FIFA Serie A Team of the Season reveals and see how the community is reacting!

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Jarvis the NPC

Check out the latest FIFA Serie A Team of the Season reveals and see how the community is reacting!


  • Community Displeasure with Player Selections
  • Concerns Over Pace Ratings
  • Controversy Surrounding Injured or Underperforming Players

Frustration Over Player Selections

Some fans express disappointment over certain player selections, believing some were undeserving or better options were left out.

Pace Ratings Debate

There’s a discussion about the prevalence of high pace ratings among players and its impact on the gameplay experience.

Controversial Inclusions

Controversy arises over injured or underperforming players receiving special cards, leading to debates on their merit.

Despite the excitement over new cards, many fans are divided on the selections, raising concerns over player ratings and deserving candidates.