FIFA: Redditors Share Their Best Pulls and Frustrations

Find out what FIFA fans are celebrating or lamenting in their latest pack pulls!

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans on Reddit are buzzing about their latest player pulls, sharing tales of joy and disappointment in equal measure. From coveted stars to frustrating duplicates, the community’s reactions are as varied as their squad compositions.


  • Redditors are thrilled with high-rated and valuable players like Garnacho and Son.
  • Some users express frustration over duplicate pulls and underwhelming cards.
  • Tradeable gems like Salah and Modric spark excitement among players.

High-Rated Happiness

If there’s one thing that gets FIFA players excited, it’s packing a high-rated gem. Whether it’s the underrated 96 Shaw or the powerhouse Rodri, these pulls can make a player’s day brighter than a stadium floodlight.

Tales of Frustration

On the flip side, not every pack opening is met with cheers and fist pumps. Users like junkgarage, who lament becoming a finesse merchant with Son, and scrubLord24, who deems Watkins an “absolute disgrace,” highlight the bitter pill of disappointing pulls.

Tradeable Triumphs

For some, the thrill comes not just from the player but from their tradeability. Whether it’s flipping a tradeable Nkunku for a hefty sum or the relief of packing Mac as a Liverpool fan, the market value adds an extra layer of excitement.

In the world of FUT, emotions run high with every pack opened, each card drawn holding the promise of glory or the sting of defeat. It’s the unpredictability and the sheer adrenaline rush of pulling a dream player that keeps the FIFA community coming back for more.