FIFA Rage: Terrible 81+ Picks from Serie A Unleash Frustration Among Gamers

Frustrated FIFA gamers express disappointment over terrible 81+ picks in Serie A packs, sharing dreadful odds and hopes for improvement.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans are raging over the abysmal 81+ picks in the Serie A packs. The pack weight has been so terrible that gamers are left with mere 86-rated cards after numerous attempts, depleting their entire club without substantial rewards.


  • Gamers lament the dreadful odds and poor pack weight.
  • Players anticipate better upgrades on Monday and share the grind is currently awful.
  • Community expresses frustration over the randomness and lack of top-tier cards.

Outrage and Disappointment

FIFA players, like madsauce178, express their disappointment, waiting for better upgrades. The sheer frustration is palpable, with Karaokebaren highlighting the randomness in pack openings.

Community Frustration

Sh0ez0ne reflects on the absence of top-tier cards, mentioning a SoftBan incident exacerbating the disappointment. Various_Age_7713 shares a mix of fortune and misfortune in their picks, showcasing the erratic nature of pack luck.

Unfulfilled Expectations

SnooMarzipans2701 underscores the disappointment with pack outcomes, believing the system is rigged against them. SlimpeX01 echoes the sentiment, calling out the lackluster performance of the packs during the TOTS event, reinforcing widespread discontent.

Consistent disappointment plagues the community, as seen in shiverz07’s experience of opening numerous packs with no substantial rewards. The cycle of hope and despair continues to frustrate gamers, with rmhardcore emphasizing the repetitiveness of dissatisfaction in the community.