FIFA Mystery Ball: Love it or Hate it? Reddit Users Weigh In

Find out why FIFA Mystery Ball mode has players divided. Is it a game changer or a nightmare?

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA’s Mystery Ball mode has the community buzzing with mixed opinions. Some players find it exhilarating, while others are ready to ditch it.


  • Players give a thumbs up for offline couch play but a thumbs down for online chaos.
  • Connection issues make it a frustrating experience for many.
  • The unpredictable gameplay and boosts can lead to unfair advantages.
  • Suggestions for improvements, including making it more connection-friendly.

Mixed Reactions to Mystery Ball

SomewhereExisting121 shared a humorous mishap when expectations clashed with reality during a Mystery Ball match, highlighting the confusion this mode can bring.

Connection Woes

JCasaleno lamented the impact of poor connections and how they disrupt the game experience, especially in a mode that demands quick reactions.

Gameplay Imbalances

ClockAccomplished381 pointed out specific gameplay issues like overpowered speed boosts and erratic movements that affect the fairness of matches.

End Game Thoughts

ArsenalJayy expressed relief at completing the mode, citing bugs like players suddenly losing the ability to sprint, adding a touch of humor to the frustrations.

Trancer187 found solace in the absence of daily game limits, emphasizing the mode’s flexibility despite its flaws.