FIFA Golazo Promo: What’s the Buzz on Reddit?

Gamers discuss pack weight frustration and lack of variety in FIFA's latest promo.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans on Reddit have a lot to say about the Golazo Promo loading screen. From pack weight complaints to lack of diversity, the community is buzzing.


  • Complaints about pack weight and lack of variety in player picks for promos
  • Players express frustration over recycled promo content
  • Community calls out consistent issues in gameplay experience

Golazo Heroes and Icons Only?

Some users are concerned about the restricted player pool in the Golazo Promo and its potential impact on pack weight.

Same Old Promos?

Players are tired of seeing the same iconic players featured in promos and express a desire for more variety in player picks.

Frustrations with FIFA

From gameplay critiques to community dissatisfaction, users voice their frustrations with the status quo in FIFA.

Whether it’s pack weight woes or recycled promo content, FIFA fans on Reddit are not holding back in expressing their opinions on the Golazo Promo.