FIFA Flashback Étienne Capoue SBC: A Great Addition or Just Another Card?

Find out how the community feels about the latest FIFA Flashback card release and whether it's worth the hype!

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans are buzzing about the new Flashback Étienne Capoue SBC! Let’s see what the community has to say about this new addition to the game.


  • Capoue’s stats make him a solid CDM or even a CB option with great defensive attributes.
  • At a price of 80-85K, Capoue offers good value for his skill moves and weak foot upgrade.
  • Many players appreciate Capoue’s unique attributes, making him a popular choice for different squad setups.

Finding Value in Capoue

Many users pointed out that Capoue’s combination of height and defensive abilities makes him a valuable addition to their squads. One user commented, “6ft3 with intercept+, anticipate+ and press proven+ is going to make him a really solid CDM. He’d make a decent CB as well.” This highlights the versatility and effectiveness of Capoue in different positions.

Community Buzz

Users expressed mixed feelings about the price range of Capoue’s Flashback card. Some found it to be a reasonable investment given his upgraded skill moves and work rates, while others compared him to higher-priced alternatives like Kante. Comments like, “Looks pretty good tbf, decent price aswell,” reflect the positive sentiment towards Capoue’s card.

Unique Playstyle

A notable feature of Capoue’s Flashback card is his unique playstyle attributes, which set him apart from other players in the game. One user mentioned, “Playstyle+ and Playstyles are new to his cards,” indicating the community’s interest in the nuanced details of player attributes.

The FIFA community seems divided on whether Capoue’s Flashback card is a must-have addition or simply another option in the vast pool of player cards available. As players experiment with Capoue in different positions and squad setups, his value and impact on the game’s meta will become clearer. Whether he becomes a staple in competitive squads or a niche choice for specific strategies, Capoue’s presence in the game is certainly sparking discussion among FIFA enthusiasts.