FIFA Fans React to EA’s Decision to Stop Releasing Player of the Month SBCs

FIFA fans are disappointed with EA's choice to discontinue Player of the Month SBCs.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans took to Reddit to express their dismay over EA’s recent decision to stop releasing Player of the Month SBCs.


  • EA’s decision to halt Player of the Month SBCs has left fans feeling neglected and frustrated.
  • Players believe EA could have maintained these SBCs at TOTS level to keep the community engaged.
  • Fans feel EA’s actions showcase a lack of care towards the player base.

FIFA Fans’ Reactions

Many fans expressed disappointment, with one user remarking, ‘These mfers refuse to give me a chance at a usable Palmer, grinded the menus for hourssssss during prem.’ The sentiment of betrayal is prevalent as another user said, ‘Isco robbed’ after EA’s announcement.

Player Base Dissatisfaction

Players criticized EA for not keeping up with the community’s expectations, with one user stating, ‘They are really doing the bare minimum this year. I know I shouldn’t be surprised but it’s still shocking.’ The disappointment stemmed from the belief that EA could have continued releasing high-quality content.

Community Engagement Concerns

Several users voiced their concerns about the impact on community engagement, with one user questioning, ‘Why even announce it? Granted potm sbc completion has dropped hard this year, I don’t anyone would have noticed.’ The lack of transparency and communication from EA further fueled discontent.

Fans of FIFA have made their discontent known following EA’s decision to discontinue Player of the Month SBCs. The uproar highlights the disconnect between the gaming community and the developer, with players feeling neglected and frustrated. As fans eagerly await updates and new content, EA’s choices continue to shape the player experience, for better or worse.